12 - Painted Watercolour SwatchesThere are literally hundreds of artist quality watercolours available from many brands. I have tested many of them and created swatches as seen on the right. The square box is painted into a damp wash at the top to show the colour mixed in water, with more pigment added towards the bottom. The rectangle is painted in a juicy wash to show the mass-tone. The small squares at the bottom of the swatch have the pigment number and characteristics - staining, lightfast rating, granulation and transparency. I plan to keep adding to these 500+ swatches as I try new paints.
See the Artiscreation Miscellaneous pigment database here. |
Miscellaneous watercolours
Jaune Brilliant
Jaune Brilliant 1 - Holbein PO20 + PY37 + PW6; Jaune Brilliant 2 - Holbein PR108 + PO20 + PW6; Jaune Brilliant Dark - Schmincke PW6+PY53+PBr7
Gold and Silver and Copper
These are very hard to capture on screen so I haven't shown many.
- Antique Gold - A Gallo Metallic Pigment, PY43; Silver - Holbein PW20 - mica; Gold - Holbein PW20 - mica; Gold - Schmincke; Silver - Schmincke
- Egyptian Blue Genuine - American Journey. Blue Copper
Flesh and Peach colours
- Peachy Keen - American Journey PY97 + PO62 + PW6 + PR188; Apricot (Flesh) - American Journey PR188 + PBr7 + PW6; Flesh Tint - Aquarius Watercolour. PW4 + PY42 + PR264; Naples Yellow Reddish - Art Spectrum; Australian Grey - Art Spectrum;
- Naples Yellow Reddish (discontinued) - MaimerBlu PW6+PY42+PR101; Flesh Tint - Old Holland; ; Flesh Tint (previously called Naples Yellow Reddish), Renesans pan PW6 + PR254 + PBr6.
These swatches are painted and added as a guide. The intention is show the characteristics of each colour when painted. The colour reproduction is not perfect but hopefully will still be helpful used in conjunction with the manufacturer's website. Thank you to those of you, from Canada, Sweden, Australia and the USA, who have helped me with this section by sharing your favourite colours. If you notice errors please let me know so I can correct them. If you have artist quality watercolour that are not shown here and want to help me build up this resource, also please let me know :-)